Fertilizer is an integral part of lawn care for anyone who wants their lawn to stand out from the crowd. We have a short growing season with big changes each […]
Summer Watering Tips
With the dog days of summer in full swing we thought we should give some advice on watering to help your lawn get through the stresses of hot dry weather. […]
Lawn Caddies Mow it Right!
Because we have been cutting grass professionally since 1997, we know our climate pretty well. Our standard mowing practices work for all clients; whether you choose to intervene with things […]
Lawn Aeration
CORE AERATION Core Aeration is one of the best ways to keep your lawn healthy. We do our aeration first in April and May once the ground has thawed, and again in […]
Power Rake vs Dethatch.. What’s the difference?
POWER RAKING AND DETHATCHING Power Raking is a Spring Time staple in our part of the country. We break out the power rakes early in the spring and put them […]